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<2021년 석사 신입생 / 인턴 모집 안내> MEDIs Lab. 에서는 Metamaterial, Display, Sensor 분야 외 연구에 관심있는 역량있는 학생들을 모집합니다. 모집 인원 : 석사 신입생 00명. 학...
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MEDIS 조회 수 68054


AMSM 2024, Incheon, Korea October 27 - October 30, 2024 (Sun. - Wen.), Songdo ConvensiA Monolithic VOC Sensor Circuit Based on a-IGZO TFT Kyungmin Choi, Keun-Yeong Choi, and Hojin Lee Abstract Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated in industrial production lines are harmful to human health, prompting significant research into detecting VOC gases. For detection of various VOCs, Amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOS) have been highly researched to achieve high-sensitivity chemo-resistive-type VOCs gas sensors. Especially, amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistors (TFTs) are attracting high attention due to their high field-effect mobility, low leakage current, good uniformity, and superior electrical stability at low processing temperatures. In this paper, we propose a monolithic sensor circuit designed to amplify the sensing signal of solution-processed a-IGZO sensor TFTs, achieving high sensitivity. The fabricated a-IGZO sensor TFT showed significant changes in transfer characteristics upon exposure to acetone gas, with decreased resistance and a negative threshold voltage shift. The proposed circuit, comprising three a-IGZO TFTs and one capacitor, demonstrated successful gas sensing through simulation, confirming accurate operation. Through this study, we confirmed that the proposed a-IGZO TFT sensor circuit was successfully operated with accurate gas sensing operations. It is expected that the proposed monolithic sensor circuit can be applied to future VOCs systems with highly sensitive detection.
AMSM 2024, Incheon, Korea October 27 - October 30, 2024 (Sun. - Wen.), Songdo ConvensiA Electromagnetic Energy Focusing Single-Layer Metasurface for Powering Small Unmanned Vehicle Wonwoo Lee, Kyungbin Cho, Sanghyun Park, and Hojin Lee Abstract Organic photodiodes are ideal for advanced flexible electronic applications such as imaging and video photography due to their tunable photophysical properties, low-cost and simple processing methods, and continuously improving performance. In particular, the simple design and thin thickness of organic material-based devices enable the control of optical and geometrical crosstalk, garnering attention for application in image sensors. Utilizing these organic photodiodes in image sensors necessitates their integration into high-density arrays. This approach is essential for achieving the precise and effective performance required for advanced imaging applications. However, the absence of precise pixelation techniques capable of implementing organic light-emitting semiconductor with high production and reliability has limited the realization of high-density organic photodiodes. In this paper, we present a silicone engineered anisotropic lithography of the organic light-emitting semiconductor (OLES) that in-situ forms a non-volatile etch blocking layer during reactive ion etching. This unique feature not only slows the etch rate but also enhances the anisotropy of etch direction, leading to gain delicate control in forming ultrahigh-density multicolor OLES patterns (minimum line width of 2µm) through photolithography. This patterning strategy inspired by silicon etching chemistry is expected to provide new ins...
AMSM 2024, Incheon, Korea October 27 - October 30, 2024 (Sun. - Wen.), Songdo ConvensiA Silicone-Integrated Photolithography for Ultra High-Resolution Organic Photodiodes in Augumented/Virtual Reality Applications Ryungyu Lee, Keun-Yeong Choi, Hyukmin Kweon, Do Hwan Kim and Hojin Lee Abstract Organic photodiodes are ideal for advanced flexible electronic applications such as imaging and video photography due to their tunable photophysical properties, low-cost and simple processing methods, and continuously improving performance. In particular, the simple design and thin thickness of organic material-based devices enable the control of optical and geometrical crosstalk, garnering attention for application in image sensors. Utilizing these organic photodiodes in image sensors necessitates their integration into high-density arrays. This approach is essential for achieving the precise and effective performance required for advanced imaging applications. However, the absence of precise pixelation techniques capable of implementing organic light-emitting semiconductor with high production and reliability has limited the realization of high-density organic photodiodes. In this paper, we present a silicone engineered anisotropic lithography of the organic light-emitting semiconductor (OLES) that in-situ forms a non-volatile etch blocking layer during reactive ion etching. This unique feature not only slows the etch rate but also enhances the anisotropy of etch direction, leading to gain delicate control in forming ultrahigh-density multicolor OLES patterns (minimum line width of 2µm) through photolithography. This patterning strategy inspired by silicon et...
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