2022.11.11 20:37

IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

조회 수 639 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

August 23 - August 26, 2022 (Tue. - Fri.), Bexco


Ultra-High Resolution Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Plasmonic Patterned Nanograting Array

Ryungyu Lee, Keun-Yeong Choi, and Hojin Lee



Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have led to the rapid growth of the next-generation display technology due to high luminance efficiency, vivid color, and high contrast ratio, thereby expanding their applications from conventional mobile or TV displays to virtual reality (VR)/ augmented reality (AR) displays. For more effective light extraction, implementing nanostructures onto metal electrode layer of OLEDs as a future display technology has been demonstrated by use of excitation and out-coupling of the surface plasmon-polariton modes (SPPs). In this work, we propose a high resolution OLEDs based on plasmonic patterned nanograting array (PNA) that induces a plasmonic effect on OLEDs through the nano-patterned organic emission layer by applying E-beam lithography on the fabrication process without deterioration of intrinsic physical/photoelectric properties of organic layers.


2022.11.11 20:32

IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

조회 수 368 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

August 23 - August 26, 2022 (Tue. - Fri.), Bexco


Novel AMOLED Pixel Circuit Compensating for Variations in Sub-threshold Swing and Threshold Voltage of a-IGZO Thin-Film Transistors

Hyunwoo Kim, Yongchan Kim, and Hojin Lee



Amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been employed for the backplane of AMOLED displays because of high carrier mobility, good uniformity, and low off currenet. However, it is inevitable to have variations in threshold voltage (VTH) and sub-threshold swing (S.S.) due to bias-stress during display operations as well as the fabrication deviations. The VTH shift can be attributed to charge trapping in gate dielectric and interface states of semiconductor materials while the S.S. variation can cause a problem of leakage current that increases power consumption. Therefore, a circuit-level compensation method for deviation is required. In this paper, we have proposed a novel a-IGZO TFT pixel circuit which can compensate for the VTH and S.S. variation of the drive TFT.


2022.11.11 20:29

IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

조회 수 164 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

August 23 - August 26, 2022 (Tue. - Fri.), Bexco


Adaptive Frequency Driving Scan Driver Combined with Logic Circuit based on a-InGaZnO TFTs

Jinho Moon, Eseudeo Yun, Yongchan Kim, and Hojin Lee



Recently, due to the interest on flexible, wearble, and portable electronics as futre technologies, the demand for high-resolution display is expended. Although, faster frame rate and smaller area for the display is required, increased power consumption is incurred in high-performance display. Typically, for high-resolution displays, amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor (a-InGaZnO TFT) is actively researched because of its’ visible transparency, good uniformity, and utmost low off-current advantages rather than low temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) TFT and amorphous silicon (a-Si) TFT. However, the a-InGaZnO TFT operates in depletion-mode because VTH has negative values by the different indium component ratio and by the electrical characteristic variation due to the different bias stress such as illumination and bias stress. In this paper, we propose a adaptive frequency driving scan driver based on a-InGaZnO TFT with depletion-mode operation.


2022.07.26 14:08

CLEO 2022, San Jose, USA

조회 수 976 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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CLEO 2022, San Jose, USA

May 16 - May 20, 2022 (Mon. - Fri.), McEnery Convention Center

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Patch-Type Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Electromagnetic Wave Focusing Meatasurface for Bioimplantable Devices

Semin Jo, Wonwoo Lee, and Hojin Lee


  Bioimplantable devices require miniaturization, stability, and long-term operation characteristics for electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring and stimulation within the human body. Generally, batteries have been widely used in bioimplantable devices due to the stable power supply capability. However, bioimplantable devices using batteries have challenges in bulky size, limited lifetime, and need for replacement that essentially requires surgical method. To overcome aforementioned challenges, wireless power transfer (WPT) have attracted attention as an alternative approach to avoid the surgical procedure. Nevertheless, the stable and sustainable wireless power supply to bioimplantable devices still remains as the challenge due to the low WPT efficiency. Recently, WPT systems using metasurfaces exhibiting exotic electromagnetic (EM) characteristics were introduced in bioimplantable devices to enhance the efficiency and to reduce the geometrical dimension. In this work, we propose a novel patch-type WPT system using EM wave focusing metasurface. In contrast to previous approaches, the proposed metasurface enables to enhance the transmitted power intensity of EM wave by forming a focal point at a specific location into the tissue. Through the in-vitro experiment, the maximum voltage enhancement was confirmed at a desired depth of 10 mm in saline solution that mimics the actual tissue characteristics.


2022.07.26 14:05

CLEO 2022, San Jose, USA

조회 수 1600 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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CLEO 2022, San Jose, USA

May 16 - May 20, 2022 (Mon. - Fri.), McEnery Convention Center

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Transmission-Reflection Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator Using Electrically Tunable Dual-Mode Metamaterial

Wonwoo Lee, Hyunwoo Jo, Moon Sung Kang, and Hojin Lee


  Terahertz imaging system has been extensively studied due to its high-solution and non-destructive characteristics implementing the considerable potential for security inspection, bio-chemical material identification, and real-time imaging technologies. Despite remarkable progresses, conventional terahertz imaging system requires high power source, expensive detector, and complicate and time-consuming systems. In this regard, single-pixel imaging technique has been implemented into the terahertz range to realize compressive and real-time imaging. However, previous researches allow the only transmissive or reflective imaging techniques owing to the passive or absorption type spatial light modulators (SLM). In this work, transmission-reflection terahertz spatial light modulator is presented using electrically tunable dual-mode metamaterial. By applying differential driving voltage on SLM, differential respective object images could be successfully obtained both for transmission and reflection mode exhibiting high correspondence with real objects based on dual-mode terahertz single-pixel imaging system.


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