2017 META '17, Incheon, Korea
July 25 - 28, 2017 (Tue - Fri), Songdo Convensia
<Poster Session>
Electrically reconfigurable terahertz meta-molecules
Hyunseung Jung, Jaemok Koo, Wonwoo Lee, Chihun In, Hyunyong Choi, Moon Sung Kang, and Hojin Lee
In this study, w In this study, wIn this study, w In this study, w In this study, w In this study, w In this study, wIn this study, w In this study, we propose an intriguing metamaterial design method to achieve actively customized tuning of terahertz resonance properties. The proposed metamaterial devices are based on the inter-atomic bonding of meta-atoms, which is referred as ‘moleculization’ of meta-atoms, and realized by controlling the conductance of interconnected graphene bridges. Based on the numerical and experimental results, we confirm that the proposed moleculization system successfully exhibits a broad tuning range of resonance frequency in terahertz regime.