2017 SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA

by MEDIS posted Sep 13, 2017


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2017 SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA

January 28 - February 2, 2017 (Sat - Thu), The Moscone Center




<Oral Session : Session 1: THz Sources and Detectors I>

Polarization dependent resonance manipulation by terahertz meta-molecules 

Hyunseung Jung, Eunah Heo, Jaemok Koo, Chihun In, Hyunyong Choi, Moon Sung Kang, and Hojin Lee



In this study, we propose polarization dependent resonance manipulation by meta-molecules at terahertz frequencies. The proposed meta-molecules are combined with various numbers of H-shaped meta-atoms, which we refer as ‘moleculization’ of meta-atoms. We confirm that the laterally moleculized H-shaped meta-molecules successfully realize the unique properties that can modulate the resonance frequency for the specific polarization of an incident wave, while can keep one identical resonance frequency for their orthogonal polarization direction, simultaneously. Moreover, for the vertically moleculized H-shaped meta-molecules, we also find that the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) –like phenomenon can be achieved for the specific polarization direction, with their exceptional field enhancement properties.