2018 iMiD, Busan, Korea

by MEDIS posted Sep 06, 2018


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2018 iMiD, Busan, Korea

August 28 - 31, 2017 (Tue. - Fri.), Exhibition Center I, BEXCO 


Tandem structured 2-color micro-polymer light-emitting diodes (μ-PLEDs)

Keun-Yeong Choi, Han Wool Park, Do Hwan Kim and Hojin Lee



Recently organic light emitting diodes (OLED) displays have been selected for commercial mobile devices, curved TVs and Virtual Reality (VR) because of their advantages such as high contrast, high response speed, and wide viewing angle. Typically, OLED pixels are fabricated using thermal evaporation and shadow mask. However, using a shadow mask creates a limitation in implementing high-resolution pixels into the display panel. In order to achieve micronsize OLED pixels, many different approaches had been reported for patterning OLED layers into micron-size such as ink-jet printing, imprinting, and adopting orthogonal photo-resisit. however, created addition problems of luminance degradation, limited panel-size, or increased production costs. Previously, we developed a sol-gel process to obtain the orthogonality of organic semiconductor against the solvents and chemicals so that we could apply the standard photo-lithography and dry-etch process to achieve micron-size patterns of light-emitting polymers[1]. Using this mechanism, we could successfully fabricated a CMOS circuits with micron-patterned n- and p-type organic semiconductors through sequential solution processes based on standard photolithograph. Through, we confirmed the feasibility of fabrication various electron device by using a sol-gel process. In this paper, we fabricated 2-color PLEDs with micropatterns of light-emitting polymer semiconductor through sequential solution processes. Fig. 1. (a) shows the optical microscopy image of patterned pixels (20 μm×20 μm) of light-emitting polymer semiconductor that were fabricated by using standard photolithography and dry-etch processes. Fig. 1. (b) shows the electroluminescence (EL) operation of 2-color PLEDs with micropatterns of lightemitting polymer semiconductor. Finally, we confirmed that the maximum luminance of the tandem structured 2- color PLEDs was 140 cd/m2 at 8V.