2018.09.07 13:48

2018 iMiD, Busan, Korea

조회 수 24447 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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2018 iMiD, Busan, Korea

August 28 - 31, 2017 (Tue. - Fri.), Exhibition Center I, BEXCO 


Coplanar a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with Photo-Patterned Ionic-Polymer Gate Dielectric

Dayoon Lee, Yongchan Kim, and Hojin Lee



Currently electrolyte-gated thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been actively studied due to their advantages of high-density carrier accumulation in the channel, ultra-low operation voltage, and low-temperature process. For patterning the electrolyte to be used as a gate dielectric, there have been many different approaches reported so far, such as ‘cut and stick’ method, aerosol printing process, or using additional mold to isolate the ionic liquid. However, most of previous methods have challenges on realizing micron-sized fine patterns. In this paper, we adopted photo-patternable ionic-polymer as a gate dielectric for coplanar TFT structures where the gate, source, and drain electrodes deposited by single lift-off process. After electrodes and a-InGaZnO active layer was patterned in sequence, photo-patternable ionic polymer dielectric was patterned using photo cross-linking reactions to UV light. The measured transfer characteristics of the fabricated TFTs are shown in Fig. 1. According to measurement results, we confirmed the high field-effect mobility (~4.36 cm2/V·s), high on-off ratio (~106), and good sub-threshold swing (~108 mV/decade) could be achieved at drain voltage of 1V.


2019.06.20 19:35

CLEO 2019, San Jose, CA, USA

조회 수 1006 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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CLEO 2019, San Jose, California, USA

May 10 - 15, 2019 (Mon. - Fri.), San Jose Convention Centor


Terahertz Single-Pixel Imaging System with Electrically Tunable Metamaterial Spatial Light Modulator

Wonwoo Lee, Hyunseung Jung, Hyunwoo Jo, Moon Sung Kang, and Hojin Lee


  Due to its penetrability and straightness of terahertz wave, terahertz imaging system has been extensively studied for real-time, high-resolution and accurate imaging systems. However, these imaging systems require high power sources or expensive and complex detectors and usually take a long time to acquire a single image. To overcome the limitations mentioned before, a single-pixel imaging system that had been used in optical imaging technique has been introduced into the terahertz range. In particular, through a single-pixel imaging system, it is possible to construct a terahertz imaging system using only a lamp and a bolometer detector instead of telescopic systems consisting of hundreds of terahertz parts, which gives great possibility for commercialization. In this work, we present electrically tunable terahertz spatial light modulator (SLM) based on ion-gel gating graphene metamaterials. From experimental results, we confirmed that the terahertz image could be successfully reconstructed corresponding to 93 % with the real object image at maximum.


2019.07.31 12:56

META 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

조회 수 20211 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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META 2019, Lisbon,  Portugal

July 23 - 26, 2019 (Tue. - Fri.), Instituto Superior Tecnico


Selectively reconfigurable molecularization of terahertz meta-atoms

Hyunseung Jung, Hyunwoo Jo, Wonwoo Lee, Moon Sung Kang, and Hojin Lee


  In this study, we propose selectively reconfigurable terahertz meta-molecules by controlling the micro-patterned ion-gel gate structures to change the conductance of graphene bridges between adjacent meta-atoms. Moreover, we experimentally verify that the proposed structures can change the resonance frequency of metamaterial from 1.40, 1.10, to 0.74 THz, by changing the metamaterial unit cell from the individual atom to dimeric and tetrameric molecules, respectively.


2020.02.12 14:51

IMID 2019, Gyeongju, Korea

조회 수 379 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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IMID 2019, Gyeongju, Korea

August 27 - 30, 2019 (Tue. - Fri.), HICO

Micropatterned polymer light-emitting diodes (μ-PLEDs) based on Orthogonal Polymer Semiconductors

Kyun-Yeong Choi, Han Wool Park, Do Hwan Kim, and Hojin Lee



  In this paper, a micro-patterned 2-color OLED was fabricated through a sequential solution process based on standard photolithography. Previously, we

developed a sol-gel process to obtain the orthogonality of organic semiconductor against the solvents and chemicals so that we could apply the standard photo-lithography and dry-etch process to achieve micron-size patterns of light-emitting polymers with MEH-PPV and F8T2-based orthogonal polymer semiconductor gel (OPSG) through sequential solution processes.


2020.02.12 14:56

IMID 2019, Gyeongju, Korea

조회 수 253 추천 수 0 댓글 0


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IMID 2019, Gyeongju, Korea

August 27 - 30, 2019 (Tue. - Fri.), HICO

Shift Register Circuit Based on Coplanar a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with Photo-Patterned Ionic-Polymer Gate Dielectric

Yongchan Kim, Changhyeon Cho, So Young, Kim, Do Hwan Kim, and Hojin Lee



  Currently, the gate dielectric using the ionic polymer comprising ionic liquids in a polymer matrix to form the electric double layer (EDL) has been extensively studied thin-film transistors field thanks to its advantages of induced ultra-high density carrier attainability in the channel, improved capacitive coupling, low-voltage operation, and low-temperature fabrication process [1, 2]. For patterning the ionic polymer to be used as a gate dielectric for the complex circuits, there have been many different approaches reported such as ‘cut and stick’ method, aerosol printing process, or using additional mold to isolate the ionic liquids. However, most of methods reported so far have challenged on realizing micron-sized fine patterns. In this paper, we adopted photo-patternable ionic polymer as a gate dielectric in the coplanar TFT structure where the gate, source, and drain electrodes were deposited by one lift-off process.


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