2023.10.05 15:06

PIERS 2023, Prague, Czech

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

PIERS 2023, Prague, Czech

July 3 - July 6, 2023 (Mon. - Thur.), Prague Congress Center


Patch-Type Electromagnetic Wave Focusing Metasurface for Wireless Power Transfer in Bio-Implantable Devices 

Wonwoo LEE, Semin Jo, and Hojin Lee


 With the advances in biomedical technologies, convenient, long-term operable, and sustainable implantable devices are required to be used within the human body, including drug delivery, stimulators, sensors, and post-stimulation monitoring. In general, batteries are used as power sources in these implantable devices, but bioimplantable devices using batteries have challenges in limited lifetime, bulky size, and need for replacement that essentially requires surgical operations. In this regard, wireless power transfer systems (WPT) have been employed as alternatives method to eliminate the use of battery and inevitable surgery for replacement. Recently, WPT systems using metasurfaces exhibiting exotic electromagnetic (EM) characteristics were introduced in bioimplantable devices to enhance the efficiency and to reduce the geometrical dimension. Herein, we propose a patch-type metasurface that improves the power transmission to the tissue by reducing the reflection loss of electromagnetic waves at the air–skin interface and forming a focal point at a specific location. The subwavelength-thickness (< λ/10) metasurface is introduced that focuses electromagnetic waves to a desired depth in multilayered biological tissues to enhance the transferred power for implantable devices. The stable focusing performance is demonstrated by confirming the robust focal point and field intensity profiles for varying incident angles and polarization directions with enhanced field of approximately 11.1 dBmV at a depth of 10 mm in in-vitro environment. By applying the patch-type metasurface to an actual wireless power transfer system, transmission coefficient is improved by 6.37 dB at a depth of 10 mm compared with that of a system without the metasurface patch.


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