IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

by MEDIS posted Nov 11, 2022


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IMID 2022, Pusan, Korea

August 23 - August 26, 2022 (Tue. - Fri.), Bexco


Adaptive Frequency Driving Scan Driver Combined with Logic Circuit based on a-InGaZnO TFTs

Jinho Moon, Eseudeo Yun, Yongchan Kim, and Hojin Lee



Recently, due to the interest on flexible, wearble, and portable electronics as futre technologies, the demand for high-resolution display is expended. Although, faster frame rate and smaller area for the display is required, increased power consumption is incurred in high-performance display. Typically, for high-resolution displays, amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor (a-InGaZnO TFT) is actively researched because of its’ visible transparency, good uniformity, and utmost low off-current advantages rather than low temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) TFT and amorphous silicon (a-Si) TFT. However, the a-InGaZnO TFT operates in depletion-mode because VTH has negative values by the different indium component ratio and by the electrical characteristic variation due to the different bias stress such as illumination and bias stress. In this paper, we propose a adaptive frequency driving scan driver based on a-InGaZnO TFT with depletion-mode operation.