2022.07.26 14:05

CLEO 2022, San Jose, USA

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

CLEO 2022, San Jose, USA

May 16 - May 20, 2022 (Mon. - Fri.), McEnery Convention Center

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Transmission-Reflection Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator Using Electrically Tunable Dual-Mode Metamaterial

Wonwoo Lee, Hyunwoo Jo, Moon Sung Kang, and Hojin Lee


  Terahertz imaging system has been extensively studied due to its high-solution and non-destructive characteristics implementing the considerable potential for security inspection, bio-chemical material identification, and real-time imaging technologies. Despite remarkable progresses, conventional terahertz imaging system requires high power source, expensive detector, and complicate and time-consuming systems. In this regard, single-pixel imaging technique has been implemented into the terahertz range to realize compressive and real-time imaging. However, previous researches allow the only transmissive or reflective imaging techniques owing to the passive or absorption type spatial light modulators (SLM). In this work, transmission-reflection terahertz spatial light modulator is presented using electrically tunable dual-mode metamaterial. By applying differential driving voltage on SLM, differential respective object images could be successfully obtained both for transmission and reflection mode exhibiting high correspondence with real objects based on dual-mode terahertz single-pixel imaging system.


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