KIEEME 2021, Pyeongchang

by MEDIS posted Jul 16, 2021


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KIEEME 2021, Pyeongchang, Korea

June 30 - July 2, 2021 (Wed. - Fri.), Alpensia


Low-Power Capacitive Pressure Sensor Circuit Based on Coplanar a-IGZO TFTs Using Photo-Patternable Ionic Polymer Gate Dielectric

Heejoo Park, Yongchan Kim, Changhyeon Cho, and Hojin Lee


Pressure sensor circuits based on thin-film transistors (TFTs) have emerged as promising candidates for future technologies such as human-machine interfaces, wearable health monitoring, and electronic skins. To be utilized in the future sensing system, high performance and low-operating voltage are essential factors, and, in this regard, ionic polymer electrolytes have attracted considerable attention as gate dielectric of TFT to give superior advantages including exhibit high capacitance, excellent mechanical flexibility, and optical transparency. However, most approaches for patterning ionic polymer electrolyte such as transfer or nozzle-based printing methods often suffer from low spatial resolution and inaccurate fine pattern control.