IMID 2019, Gyeongju, Korea
August 27 - 30, 2019 (Tue. - Fri.), HICO
Shift Register Circuit Based on Coplanar a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with Photo-Patterned Ionic-Polymer Gate Dielectric
Yongchan Kim, Changhyeon Cho, So Young, Kim, Do Hwan Kim, and Hojin Lee
Currently, the gate dielectric using the ionic polymer comprising ionic liquids in a polymer matrix to form the electric double layer (EDL) has been extensively studied thin-film transistors field thanks to its advantages of induced ultra-high density carrier attainability in the channel, improved capacitive coupling, low-voltage operation, and low-temperature fabrication process [1, 2]. For patterning the ionic polymer to be used as a gate dielectric for the complex circuits, there have been many different approaches reported such as ‘cut and stick’ method, aerosol printing process, or using additional mold to isolate the ionic liquids. However, most of methods reported so far have challenged on realizing micron-sized fine patterns. In this paper, we adopted photo-patternable ionic polymer as a gate dielectric in the coplanar TFT structure where the gate, source, and drain electrodes were deposited by one lift-off process.