2014 SSDM, Tsukuba, Japan
September 8 - 11, 2014 (Mon - Thu), Tsukuba International Congress Center
<Oral Session : B-3-7>
Synthetic Multi-Spectral Material Filter based on Terahertz Metamaterial Combined with Thin-Film Etalon Structure
Heyoung Kang, Hyunseung Jung and Hojin Lee
In this paper, we demonstrate a numerical and experimental study of novel synthetic multi-spectral material (SMM) filters for visible and terahertz ranges. The proposed filter is based on double-layered complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) combine with a thin-film etalon structure. The fabricated SMM filter can be fully the fabricated by conventional photolithography process to be confirmed to work as the transmissive color filter as well as the polarization dependent terahertz filter.