2013 iMiD, Daegu, Republic of Korea

by MEDIS posted Oct 03, 2014


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2013 iMiD, Daegu, Republic of Korea

August 26-29, 2013 (Monday - Thursday), EXCOAugust 26-29, 2013 (Monday - Thursday), EXCO



<Poster Session : P2-54>

A Novel P-type LTPS Pixel Circuit for AMOLEDs with Dual-Compensation Function

Yeonkyung Kim, Yongchan Kim, and Hojin Lee


In this paper, we proposed a novel voltage-programmed pixel circuit with p-type low temperature polycrystalline-silicon thin film transistor (LTPS TFT) for active-matrix organic light-emitting display (AMOLED) with an enhanced electrical stability and uniformity. Through an extensive simulation work based on p-type LTPS TFT and OLED experimental data, we confirm that the proposed pixel circuit can compensate for both mobility variation and threshold voltage shift of the driving TFT.